Outdoor Setting

Outdoor setting is very different from setting for indoor volleyball. Outdoor volleyball is much different and has different rules than what you are probably used to. Let me list a few differences for you.
In outdoor volleyball you can not:
  • Set the serve.
  • Double any ball that is not hard driven.
  • Open hand tip.
  • Side set over the net.
  • Double the set.
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The setting is very different in beach volleyball. You are allowed to hold the ball a little bit longer than you can for indoor volleyball. This is so that you can set the ball without it spinning. If it comes out spinning it is usually an indication that one hand touched the ball before the other and would result in a double contact and you would lose the point. When watching men's beach volleyball you will see more sets with the hands than when you will with women's beach volleyball. If you have a hard time setting perfectly you will have to arm set (bump set) in tournaments to avoid losing points. A perfect indoor set is illegal in sand volleyball just as a perfect outdoor set is illegal in indoor volleyball. An outdoor volleyball court is smaller in dimension than indoor courts.
You want to jump higher in volleyball to play better. In the sand you will notice that the approach is different. Instead of jumping forward you will jump straight up and use your arm swing to increase your vert. Plyometric exercises will help you jump higher for volleyball as well as other sports that require jumping such as basketball so that you can dunk.

Beach Volleyball Tips

Always pass to the front middle. This means if the ball is served to your partner, you need to immediately run to the front middle to receive the pass.

Always tell your partner where to hit. If the defender runs to the angle, yell line and vice versa.

Always yell NOBODY if there is no blocker when you set your partner. This way he can swing without fear of being blocked.

Sand volleyball workouts or beach volleyball workouts are designed to increase your speed and jumping ability. Most of your workouts should take place on the sand because that will result in better movement during game time.
So open hand tips volleyball are not good according to avp sand volleyball rules.

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